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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

compassion and kindness.

the song above moves me.
I often listen to it on repeat.
I feel like it inspires me.
so...the other day, my mom and I were discussing the importance of kindness and compassion.
how it can truly make a person's day,
to be a source of light in a dark place.
I need to work on this.
I want to be kind.
I want to be an encourager.
a motivator.
I want to be more like Jesus.
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  1. The song never started. But I really love the quote above.
    Posts like this remind me to always stay positive :)

    1. oh no, bummer! i'm not sure why it's not working for you...I can seem to pull it up on my computer.
      you're comment was so sweet. thanks, girl! have a wonderful day!

  2. Amen, friend!

    I actually have a little phrase on my desktop notepad right now ... simply, "LOVE your child like Jesus loves YOU!" It has really helped me a lot with positiveness in my parenting.

    A verse I'm loving right now is Ephesians 4:2 -- "Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love." (NLT) I've been working on applying this virtue, not just with my family and friends, but with people I don't know, as well. I hope it encourages you, as it has me!


    1. oh my goodness, i'm going to write that quote down and post it next to my computer. I LOVE that. thank you for sharing, sweet friend :)
      also, I loooove that verse. such a great one. I will be writing that one down, too. :)
      thanks for the encouragement today, sweet Katie!

  3. Great message! And I love your snowy winter pictures!!

    1. thanks, Erica! hope you're having a wonderful day!


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